Sims Be Simmin' - A Glorious Sims 2 Challenge

by Crandall

This challenge is largely hands off.  As in, you let the sims do what they think is best and you don’t interfere.  You set up places for them to be/things to do and then just let them run.  You must make a Living House, a Greening House, Kill Zone, and leave a nice big space for Competition Space.  The bigger the lot size the better.


Living House(LH) Requirements:

-  a small bedroom that has one bed and one lounger that a sim can sleep on.  This room must have a door.

- a toilet room with one toilet. No sink.

- a shower room with one shower bath.

- a kitchen that has a good fridge, food processor, a counter or two, and a good stove.  The kitchen is delineated not by interior walls, but a fence with a gate.  Right outside the kitchen should be an empty counter or two and a sink. 

- a dining area with table and sufficient chairs.

- a living area with one long couch, one short sofa, one bookshelf, and a Fruit Punch Barrel (FPB).  Replace the FPB as needed; if you click on it and it does not give you a “drink from tap” option, it is time to sell that one and buy a new FPB.

- an outdoor porch with two benches and an easel.  Scrap any unfinished painting every couple days, as you remember.

- space for animal things (one dog and one cat)

- empty space for the eventual Reward Hall(RH) that will be built as additions onto your LH.

- a phone, fire detector, and garbage can


Greening House(GH) Requirements:

- a room with the best double bed and best lounger/eazyboi that a sim can sleep in.

- a room with the best toilet and sink.

- a room with the best shower/bath as you decide.

- a room with fun things.  Tv, couch, coffee table, video game console, pinball or gaming cabinet, chess table and two chairs.

- an area for a stereo, sofa, and best coffee machine.

- an area for eating.  A table with four chairs, a table for serving platter to be placed on, a sink.

- a Staging Area(SA) at the entrance of the GH.  This room has enough chairs for the number of sims that are alive. Or just eight all the time.  As well as a phone.

- double doors at front and back that are usually “locked for all sims”.


Kill Zone(KZ) Requirements:

- an aisle three wide or so.  Press Ctrl+shift+c.  type - boolprop testingcheatsenabled true .

Shift+left click on any sim, choose “spawn”, choose “Rodney’s Death Creator” or whatever it’s called.  Place this gravemarker in the aisle you have made. You will also need the “Tombstone of L and D”.  You can place that anywhere.

- chairs surround or line this “aisle”, seven chairs for seven sims, etc.

- Decorate as you desire for a place sims go to be killed.

- a house 5x4 or 5x5. Lock up this house.



Competition Space(CS) Requirements:

- probably want at least a 10x15 free space to make various houses and whatnot for the different challenges, but 15x15 would be very comfy. The more space the merrier.


How Things Go:

There are Reward Competitions(RC) and Death Competitions(DC), alternating days.  Sims are given a chance to “green up” between noon-ish and 6pm-ish by spending time in the GH before each competition.


Day One:

 - The sims have free access to the LH.

- Hire maid.  Hire repairmen and gardeners as you desire.  If you need money, enter motherlode in the cheat code window (ctrl+shift+c)(CCW).  If you need money to buy the lot because you have prebuilt, in the neighbourhood view, enter familyfunds <family name> <amount> in the CCW.

 - At noon, whichever sim is most rested or has already tried to make food is now the cook and will be until they die.  The cook locks the gate to the kitchen “allow me only”.  At 7am, noon, and 7pm(or whenever they are available if they are not available at 7pm) the cook will make a group meal.  The noon meal is to be for the GH, so when the sim tries to serve it, cancel that action, then jump to build or buy mode, use the hand tool and grab the platter and put it on the table in the GH that you put there for that reason.

- Turn off free will (options or whatever tab), unlock the GH, and get all sims on chairs in the SA.  When everyone is settled, lock the GH back up and turn on free will.  If the sims are still sitting in their chairs in the SA at 2pm, cancel the sitting action so they will circulate.

- The sims are free to enjoy the GH as they want, it is competition time when one of two things happens:

    - 1) The number of plates eaten equals half the number of sims alive.  Round up to the next even number.  So with 8 sims, the GH is closed after 4 plates have been eaten.  With 7 sims, the same.  With 6 sims, 3 plates - as well as with 5 sims.  And so on.

         - OR -

    - 2) The platter goes bad, with green smoke and flies.  This usually happens around 6pm.

- Competition time: turn off free will, unlock GH, get all sims to the CS and the event you have premade for them that day.

- Competition for Day 1: Dance Contest (RC)

- CS is outfitted with the best stereo and eight rugs for the sims to stand on (or carpet or whatever).  Indoors or out as you wish.  Lights and decorations as you wish.

- one sim turns on the stereo.  All sims stand on their mats.  Pause.  Set all to dance/smustle.  Turn on free will.  Lock up GH. Unpause.  The sim that dances the longest wins a reward in the RH as well as a fulfilled want(FW).  Try and give them what they want, including buying something and just placing it on the lot (if they want a bubble blower, put it in the house in the KZ.  Keep it locked up, though).  Lock in a want you think you might be able to give to them later or one that they might achieve on their own.

- build a hallway (the RH) connected to your LH and make a small room for the winning sim.  Use the “myne” door so that the sim can both claim and lock the door.  This will keep the reward only for them unless they die and then the reward will be available for all.  Check the winning sim’s needs and create this reward room for them that will satisfy their most pressing want.  For example, if they are mostly sleepy, make them a little room with a bed and nice lamp or something.  If they want fun, use the mr. humble present to give them a little room with a desk and computer.  Etc.   If a sim needs something that another sim already has a RH room for, choose their next most needed need and make a room addressing that.

- the sims now make their own choices and take care of themselves.  Don’t forget to replace the Fruit Punch Barrel as needed and to make group meals at 7 am and pm.

- you can leave the competition area set up and available to sims until the next competition if you like.


Day Two:

- 7am meal, GH at noon.

- Competition for Day 2: Hold Your Liquor (DC)

- Hire a bartender.  You might like to hire them before they GH or as the last few meals are being eaten.   Make sure you have a bar ready for the bartender to work at before you make the call. 

- Get your sims into their formal wear and into the classy bar.  Do not turn on free will for this competition.  Drink, drink, drink.  Try to make sure all your sims are always drinking.  Hopefully, your hired bartender can keep up.  The first sim to piss themselves is the loser of the competition and after they leak, turn back on free will(don’t forget to lock up GH, and they will probably need their 7pm meal).  Let the sims  do what they feel like doing.  The last sim to stay in the party area will get a FW.

- When the winner of the FW is decided, turn off free will and make the loser of this DC stand at the gravestone in the KZ.  The other sims take their seats in the KZ.  Using the doomed sim, click on the gravestone and choose death by flies.  Put free will back on and don’t forget to put their remains in a special place, if you want.


Day Three:

-7am meal, call adoption service and adopt a dog, because everyone will be bummed out at the first death.  Choose a dog with aggressiveness in the mid.  Make sure to buy the dog what it needs.  Wash and feed the dog as it needs by whatever sim you choose.  You cannot train the dog in any way, unless somehow a sim decides to do that on their own.  GH at noon.

- Competition for Day 3: Glory Holes (RC)

- every sim gets together on beach (if you have a beach) or in a wide open area.  Either “Comb for Seashells” or “Dig for Treasure”.  Whoever gets something from the ground first wins (there will be a pop up window)

- winning sim gets a room in RH and gets a FW.


- if any sim gets glitched. Try entering boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and then shift+click on affected sim, then force error, then reset.

- if your pets are getting in the way, you can control them by entering controlpets in the CCW after testing cheats have been enabled.


Day Four:

- 7am meal, GH at noon.

- Competition for Day 4: Just Don’t Drown(DC)

- sims (no free will) all line up on beach or at side of pool, each with their own ladder.  Pause,  set them all to enter pool or get into water at beach.  Unpause.  Let them swim until one sim drowns.  Quickly get all other sims out of pool.   If anyone is in danger of dying right away, use boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, then shift+click on a sims need bars to drag them high enough to not die.  If that does not work, try entering maxmotives in the CCW.  Good luck.  Make sure to save before you do this competition.  If more than one sim dies in the pool.  Go back to neighbourhood view without saving and then kill the first sim to drown with the gravestone in the KZ by selecting death by drowning.


Day Five:

- 7am meal, adopt a cat, buy cat things, cat mid aggressive.  GH at noon.

- Competition for Day 5: Party Sim Extrodinaire!(RC)

- set up some lines of poppers and sparklers, one of each kind (there are four) and one bonfire stack at the end.  Each sim stands at the beginning of their own line of entertainment and goes through their line (choose random when available) and is commanded to light the bonfire at the end of those actions.  Put on free will and unpause and let them go.  Only one sim can light the fire, though, and that sim is the winner of a room in the RH and a FW.


Day Six:

- 7am meal, GH at noon.

- Competition for Day 6: Art Suffering (DC)

- each sim is set up in front of an easel.  Free will on, unpause.  First sim to stop painting is the loser.  The sim painting longest is the winner (FW).  If two or more sims quit right away they play log roll and the loser is doomed.

- KZ, death by hail


Day Seven:

- 7am meal, GH at noon.

- Competition for Day 7: Skating Day (RC)

- set up a skating rink of a kind.  Set up a hot chocolate machine and enough seats for all alive sims.  One sim makes hot chocolate and they all have a mug.  When they are done drinking, all sims onto the rink.  Free will on (don’t forget to lock up GH).  Last sim skating gets a room in RH and FW.


Day Eight:

- 7am meal, GH at noon.

- Competition for Day 8: Death by Fire(DC)

- Save your game before you begin this challenge, it can go horribly wrong.

-  Make burn centre, each fingie is 5 spaces long.  It’s like a t with two diagonal pieces where you think they would be.  Doors at the end of each corridor for escape. The shape is kind of like the top half of an asterisk (*) but with one more line that would be cutting it in half horizontally.  In the centre place of these corridors is a fridge and stove.  One sim starts something cooking and then retreats to their corridor.  Then place rugs under/around the stove and then a plant, then one space rug, then plant, then rug into each corridor.  Lock all doors, put on free will and let the fire begin. 

- the camera will snap to the first sim to be on fire.  All other sims, unlock their doors and get them the fuck out of there.  Enter maxmotives in CCW to save the surviving sims or use shift+click on their needs bars to save them.  Lock doors behind them as they escape their corridors or they might run back in like a bunch of morons.  When the reaper comes, go ahead and call the firemen if you like. 

- Vacay Time.

    - call vacation, say you want to go now.  Go for four days, choose whichever destination you think your sims will like the most.  Hire nanny for your pets (they will prompt you to do that when you book your vacay)



- Now you can fully control your sims.  Just try to give your sims all they need and want for four days, go around and see the sights and just try to give them as much wants as you can to make them happy to be alive and to try and wipe away the trauma of being in a firey death chamber.


Day “Nine”:

- 7am meal, GH at noon

- Competition for Day 9: Chess Tourney(RC)

- as you would expect, 4 sims, 2 on two, the winners of the first round take 2 hours to do what they can to green up(only using LH) and then they play chess.  The winner gets a room in RH.  If the thing they need most already has a RH room, make them the next thing they need most room.


Day “Ten”:

- 7am meal, GH at noon

- Competition for Day 10: Willing Sacrifice(DC)

- Buy a bubble blower and put it in the empty house in the KZ.  All sims start bubble blowing at the same time, then put on free will.  The sim who is last on the bubbles is the “winner”.  Meaning that they have decided to gas themselves the most to lessen their pain as they sacrifice themselves to their god or whatever.

- gather sims at the KZ, seat the non-doomed.  The doomed chooses death by satellite.


Day “Eleven”:

-7am meal, GH at noon

- Competition for Day 11: Sims Best Friend(RC)

- Check the dog and cat’s friend tab.  Whoever they like the most gets exclusive access to GH until the next greening.  Click on the doors, and set lock/allow me only or whatever.  If the animals disagree on who is best, the two sims in questions play don’t wake the llama.  The winner, wins.


Day “Twelve”:

- 7am meal, GH at noon

- Competition for Day 12: Death by Baby(DC)

- in the CS build three little houses at least 24 square squares should be okay, but bigger is better, just make sure everyone has the same size and shape of  house so there is no advantage.  These houses will each contain:

    - a bed, a tub, a toilet, 2 counters, a counter sink, an undercounter fridge (mini fridge), an in-wall garbage chute, high chair, crib, diaper changing station, and a baby toy.  Lights and windows and decorations as you wish.

- shift+click on a sim(with testing cheats enabled).  Spawn a tombstone of L and D.  click on the tombstone and spawn three toddlers.  Each sim picks up a toddler and takes them into a little house.  Lock the doors and make sure free will is on. 

- let the sims do what they are going to do.  The first toddler to be taken in the arms of the cps lady or to be zapped out to her car indicates the associated sim that has lost the challenge.  When the cps lady comes, all toddlers will disappear from the side portraits, but the one that triggered the reclamation should be the first to zap away.  I think you get two warnings before she comes and takes them, so you could try and track who is the worst parent is that way.  Things can get a little questionable, but use your best judgment.

- if somehow none of the toddlers are taken away, check the friendship tab on the toddlers on their birthday to child and the one who likes their carer the least is how you choose who is doomed.

-  This challenge can get very messy.  Sims wanting to hold youngsters that are in other houses, sims wanting to use items in other sims houses.  The small space for all things can make placement and use an issue.  Make the little houses as big and useful as you can, it can be hard.  You can make up a rule like “if the sims wants to use some other sims items, I will make them use that item in their own house” or “if the sims gets the baby in the highchair, I will make them get that baby food manually”.  It can seem like they will put the baby in the chair and then never feed them, but I have seen it done autonomously.  Or you can just let things run free and if a sim is too stupid to figure out how to use their diaper changer instead of their neighbour’s, they deserve what they get.  It is, after all, a challenge that lets a sim show how they parent naturally.  Use your own judgment.

- Gather at the KZ.  This sim dies by any means you desire from the gravemarker.

- you can now let the two remaining sims have access to GH and buy them a pizza or something.  Tomorrow is the last day.


Day “Thirteen”:

- 8am use the phone to assemble a party.  Set up the party as you wish, allow access to any place you wish.  You can control your sims during the party.

- As soon as the party is over, create two rooms, each one square big.  Enter moveobjects on in CCW and then use buy/build mode hand to grab each sim and place them in the tiny rooms.  When one of them dies in their starvation chamber, the other is the winner.  Pluck them out of their box and shift+click on their need bars to keep them alive, or enter maxmotives in CCW.


That sim now wins the challenge, and gets the prize of a lifetime of nightmares and never feeling safe because you, you sick freak, thought it would be fun to torture sims in the name of challenge. 



Useful Sims 2 Cheats

To access cheat code window: Press Ctrl+shift+c

To enable testing cheats: type: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

To afflict any death on one of your Sims: After enabling testing cheats: Shift+click on any of your sims.  Select "Spawn", then "Rodney’s Death Creator".  Click on the tombstone created by the Sim you are sentencing to death.

To create a Sim out of nothing: After enabling testing cheats: Shift+click on any of your sims.  Select "Spawn", then "Tombstone of L and D".  Click on the tombstone created and select which new family member you desire.

For 50,000 Simoleons, access the cheat code window and type: motherlode

For 1000 Simoleons, access the cheat code window and type: kaching

To enrich your family: in the neighbourhood view, access the cheat code window and type: familyfunds <your Sim family's name> <desired simoleon amount>.  Type these in without the "<>".

If any Sim gets glitched: enable testing cheats, then shift+click on affected sim, then "force error", then "reset".

If your pets are getting in the way, you can control them: type: controlpets in the cheat code window after testing cheats have been enabled.

To quickly raise any Sims need bar: shift+click on a sims need bars to drag them to the level you want (after testing cheats have been enabled).

To max out all your Sims need bars immediately: open the cheat code window and type: maxmotives

To move any object (including stuck Sims): open the cheat code window and type: moveobjects on.  You can turn if off by typing: moveobjects off



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