"Untitled Gore Project" - Brainstorm 1 - For Writing Chapter 1
- Supernatural, Biological, Psychological (Human)?
- Horror stories are usually about Revenge
- Destruction of environment/environment fights back
- Human does bad thing/monster gets revenge
- Human monster/human form?
- worms would be good for gore possibility
- Human with one monstrous attribute
- no ghosts - “ghosts suck”
- group of monsters/one?
- “one is always best”
What kind of gore?:
- Gore of monster killing people
- Gore of monster being killed
- Zombies - no zombies “I don’t really want to do zombies”
- Let’s go with victims gore:
- means that we need a few people to load up and kill, a group
- Dolls and puppets would be good for gore possibility
- Isolation is important to horror story
- “bottle story”
- keeping people away from help/escape
- must get rid of cellphones
- middle of nowhere/period piece?
- woods?
- people are going to the woods
- writer’s retreat
- unplugged retreat
- people can talk about why they need to get away
- stressed out retreat
- business ladies
- stalkers are on a retreat for therapy
- business ladies being sent for HR treatment because they have all been “me too”ed.
- They (the ladies) were taking advantage of their position of power and molesting/harassing their underlings
- everyone thinks the weird stuff that is happening is their own person they wronged coming after them
- the ladies will lose their jobs if they don’t stay for the whole retreat(ment)
- can’t use their cellphones
- after the first few people disappear, the others will stay because they don’t want to lose their jobs, even though those people “left”.
Beats for the chapter:
- beat 1 (666 words max.)
- “the world is not what it seems - the reader catches a glimpse of the monster or a hint that the monster exists. This is optional and might occur right away, often as a prologue or after the main characters have been introduced.”
- “I like it to be before the main characters are introduced”
- a lady “killing herself”, but actually murdered
- staff cleaning rocks where she “threw herself off the cliff”
- or scooping guts out of woods or part of the spa (mudbath?)
- the monster:
- not the monster in repose yet
- digging graves/cleaning gore/staff working
- feeding the beast?
- cult of Pirouli?
- cult to Bast (because ladies retreat)?
- high priestess of Bast
- cat face because of mummification
- sewed giant leopard head to her body
- sew giant cat head onto people to be sacrificed?
- tiny cat paws sewn onto their hands
- sewing on cat parts to a human = possible opening scene?
-any cat Goddess
- mummification would be a good opportunity for gore
- Egyptian mummy brought over to America, etc., etc.
- attacks with claws, sharp teeth
- beat 2 (333 words max.)
- “putting the players in action - you introduce important characters”
- everyone is talking about someone who is coming to the retreat
- open on staff getting the place ready for who is coming