“Untitled Gore Project” - Brainstorm 2 - For Writing Chapter 2

- Beat 2 (333 words) - Putting the players in action - “You introduce the important characters and the primary internal conflict”.

    - people show up who they were discussing

        - “campers”

        - more staff?


- Beat 3 (666 words) - Setting them on the Path - “The characters make a choice that inadvertently isolates them or places them on a collision course with the monster”

    - characters must make a choice to stay/interact with the story to keep it as a horror story.  If they do not make a choice, it is more like a natural disaster story than horror.


- Bus full of people show up. 

- The staff introduced in chapter one are not featured in chapter two

- campers have to give up their tech (phones, etc.)

- new characters

    - five people

    - couple of councilors

        - councilors must arrive with campers, so they are also in the dark about the true nature of “Morningstar”


 - archetypes of business ladies for the camper characters

        - type a, etc.

        - pure innocent, she was falsely accused

        - strong/weak, big/little

        - party girl/artist type/”crystal mommy”

    - a member of the bog-tending family is secretly on the bus?

    - one of the campers?  One of the councilors?

    - maybe a member of one of the families that left the bog-tending a couple generations ago is on the bus because they know about the bog monster and they “hates it” and want to secretly come back to Morningstar and ...???


- established staff (from chapter one)

  - mom and daughter or aunt and neice?


- Councilors coming on the bus

    - a middle aged/old couple that do not care for each other?

         - life coaches

         - if one gets killed, the other is happy

         - disagreement banter

         - “tomato farm”


- does bog monster care about the family that cares for it?

    - does it have no feelings for the family?

    - does it control the family with psychic powers of some kind?

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