“Untitled Gore Project” - Brainstorm 3 - For Writing Chapter 3
- monster name: Arbitrage?
- campers = business women who have been accused of workplace sexual harassment
- Beat 4 - The Warning (666 words) - “The characters are given an opportunity to turn back, but choose not to; could occur before or after The First Contact with the Monster”.
- harbinger time
- some insider knows something and gives the characters a direct “turn back” or “bad times ahead” message
- need to be some reason why the business ladies would still stay regardless of this warning
- they need to finish this retreat to go back to their jobs
- staff from chapter one (Fiona/Elsie) are reintroduced. Act as harbinger in some way?
- madam (Veronica?) is introduced
- gives a welcome speech?
- business ladies can tell something is wrong
- councilors can also tell something is wrong? Because they have run this retreat before?
- business ladies are separated in two cabins (2 ladies/cabin) to open possibilities for one group to know things/be going through things that the other cabin/ladies do not
- Beat 5 - The First Contact with the Monster (333 words) - “The characters have their initial contact with the monster, but are unaware of the true threat it poses”.
- someone is threatened or killed?
- someone lured out to the bog and killed?
- being in a safe space when something bad happens?
- one character is an idiot
- this makes it so that the idiot can see/do something and no one will believe her. Because she is an idiot
- is the idiot in a place where she should not be?
- find a clue/lures her to go to somewhere she should not be
Escape possible?
- bus is already gone
- bridge that can be destroyed
- supernatural fog that prevents escape
- woods close in over road to trap the ladies
- monster form?
- bog monster/swamp monster/cat god/people being fed to the bog?