Brainstorm for Chapter 6

Beat 8: Failed Confrontation: (333 words) - The main character attempts to destroy the monster but does not yet possess the ability to do so.

 - is Oracle angry at Fran for sneaking out/disobeying?  What did Beth do to “deserve” her murder, by the way?  Oracle is all about maintaining order and ensuring compliance. 

 - Fran dies now?  Stella dies now?  Does Stella have a gun? 

 - Weird coloured lights come on somehow in the barn (so we can see).  Chains from someone come to get Fran.  Or ropes (Beth was hung by rope)? Does Madam or Elsie help Oracle to string up Fran or does Oracle have tentacle ropes/chains like in Hellraiser?

 - Oracle has only been part of Morningstar since the 80’s.  Morningstar has been around much longer than that.  So, Oracle is the “modern way”, the way Madam has decided is best, but maybe Elsie wants things to go back to the “old fashioned way” and there they have the conflict between them.  And the reason for Elsie’s rouge actions.  She is team Bog Monster, hates Oracle?

 - Oracle crawls out of the ceiling (dropping ropes, whatever), coming for Fran, Madam is jubilant, in awe, etc.  Stella gets out her gun, tries to shoot the machine, fails.  Then Fiona Monster comes busting in, making a hole for light to come in, and to let some people out (bypassing the locked doors and windows).  Fiona Monster vs. Oracle fight.  Fiona Monster “busts up cables” and whatnot?

 - Bog Monster doesn’t like Oracle because it sees it as usurping its command of this family that it need to take care of it. 

 - Fiona Monster is killed in the fight with Oracle.

 - People have to choose to stay with Oracle and Madam, or flee with Elsie and side with the bog monster, I guess.  Haha...

 - People who stay with Oracle may be staying because of Oracle, because they want to stay with Madam (who is bff with Oracle), or they want to stick with the program and that means following the rules and sticking with the head person at Morningstar so they can complete the program and get back to their lives and powerful jobs, or they think that Oracle is in charge and to stay alive, they should listen to it and stand by it.


Beat 9: The Darkest Hour (666 words) - Hope appears lost, perhaps someone very important has died, or the hero has tried everything they can think of.  The link between the internal conflict and the monster may become clear to the character here.

 - The blind obeying of Oracle and its disastrous consequences (people being murdered) could be a symbol for how if you let your libido run your life, you will also have bad outcomes (as a link between the internal conflict and the monster????)? 

 - Death of Stella (gun lady) and Fiona Monster (for the “someone very important has died”) by Oracle.

 - The Bog Monster might be seen by some as the thing that will save them.  Magic is more powerful than technology, right?

 - Who goes with Elsie? Fran (Madam and Oracle just tried to kill her), Debra (clipboard lady)

 - Who stays with Madam? Esther (rich lady who wants to complete the program and understands hierarchies and has never been at the bottom of one), Luanne (clipboard lady)