Concordia Starter Set Now Complete
Ripley Stonebrook here, I just want to let you know that the time has arrived! The Concordia: City of Tomorrow Starter set is now complete and available to you! An amazing, new, Investigative Horror, Roleplaying game.
This set includes everything you need to start playing the game, Even if you have never played or run a roleplaying game yourself this is the set for you
A solo Adventure and First Group adventure are written specifically for First time role playing game players.
And best of all...It’s Free!
Head on over to the website, the address is
There you will find more information on the game and links to download from the Drive Thru RPG Website
The Best place to start is the “Read Me First” book that tells you everything you need to know to get started.
And that’s not all!
While on this website you can also find a link to The Spooky Room Patreon.
If you enjoy the podcasts, games and other products Spooky Room produces and want to see more then Support us on Patreon.
If you want to know more about the Concordia roleplaying game, the best place to start is the “Read Me First” document, available at the following link.
spooky room productions patreon
Thanks much and tell your friends that Ripley is back and here to stay!
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