LoSS has a new home, Spooky Room continues on
Well the cat's out of the bag, for some anyway.
So here is the official announcement that Lair of Sword & Sorcery has been sold to Precis Intermedia.
You can follow the link to see their Lair of Sword & Sorcery page.
I'm pretty excited to see the property under someone else's hand to see what they do with it and what fun things come out in the future.
But that also means that my part in the game is done for now.
So you'll notice that the game isn't for sale here on the site anymore, or on my drive thru, or lulu, or gumroad. You'll have to go to them for your sweet LoSS goodness.
That means that they also have the MeWe and facebook group for Lair. Which means that the Spooky Room will need to find another home for those platforms.
But fear not, I'm in the process of getting everything set up, if you head just about anywhwer on the web and search for Spooky Room Productions you'll find it on your platform of choice, if not then search for Ripley Stonebrook and there I'll be.
Once everything is finalized with all the socials medias I'll post the full list.
Also going on the retired list are the Warplastic miniatures. It's sad to see my skellies go, especially since I didn't really get a chance to show you the rest of the line.
Unfortunately if you've ever seen previous posts of my injection molding setup you'll understand that the machines I was using were a little finicky, and slow. And dangerous.
So they've gone back into the shop for retooling. But rest assured all the problems have been identified and they will be back someday.
The only difference will be that instead of focussing on lots of cheap minis, I'll be putting out higher quality specialty minis when the time comes. They'll be better product but will cost a little more.
The website
With all these changes the website is in the process of a big facelift, taking all that stuff down, retooling things, and adding all the new stuff. So just sit tight, and if a link isn't working don't worry it will be fixed soon.
You'll see all the links for the new stuff and how to find me soon.
Subscribe to Loss Button
While we are working on the website you will notice that there is still a big subscribe to Loss button on the home page. Since I don't own Loss anymore that will be changing to a new Spooky Room magazine, but feel free to subscribe now, it says Loss but you will actually get the new thing. I've got to give the webdesigners a bit more time to clean that one up.
New Stuff
Yes there is lots of new stuff.
A fantasy setting for OSR is getting close to production.
An new roleplaying game is in the works, this one will be an investigative horror game, but with classic Spooky Room flavour. It's actually the game I was working on before LoSS but LoSS ended up getting so darn exciting that I hadn't worked on it for a while.
And lot's of other odds and ends of things that have sort of been partially done for a while now finally getting the chance to come out now that Loss has moved on and warplastic is on the back burner.
So It's been an great run with LoSS and I've loved meeting and working with all of you who have been fans, I hope you'll be as excited about all the new things I've got planned. Hopefully the website will be all settled down and I can get some teasers out in the next couple of weeks for the new stuff.
So for the last time Farewell to all my Blood Reavers, whatever the future holds you were all fantastic.
Tags:WarplasticRPGLoSSSpooky |
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