Welcome to the new Home
Welcom all to the new home of Spooky Room Productions.
There's lot's to see and more to come!
The first thing you should do is go straight to the front page and fill out the form for your free subscription to LoSS magazine.
The magazine is expanding to give you all the spooky news as well as all the great Lair of Sword & Sorcery content you're used to.
So if you want to keep up to date with all the great stuff that's coming up the sign up today!
Next check out the online store, the print copies of the books are back and there are some new things there that were previously only available from me personally at conventions.
All the pdfs are available here too, if you don't want to sign up for subscriptions for free you can buy the loss pdf's right here!
We also have the LoSS soundtrack here.
It's great to have full control over everything and I'm definately going to take full advantage of it.
But Wait there's more!
I have a couple more things all ready to go and you should see some announcements here in the next week, I'll give you one hint...
It's so great to be back my Blood Reavers and I can't wait to start share it all with you.
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